Wednesday, 30 July 2014

an open letter to all the married or otherwise attached men in my past, present and future

if you're not capable of monogomy......
                                              ....don't get married

if you struggle with monogomy and are married.....
                                              with it
                                                                .....maybe try therapy

if you are married and compelled to have sexual thoughts about other people.....
                                                                                            ....keep this to yourself

call it a delicious little secret if you must
though you tarnish it
(speak to your therapist if you're having trouble processing)

don't burden the rest of us with your forbidden fantasy


mostly when i dance, i do so because of how it makes ME feel.....
                                                           has nothing to do with you

and by the way, it's rude to stare


just because you find me interesting
and clever
and strong
and sensitive
and sensual
and attractive in many and splendid ways.......
                                                             ......doesn't mean you must imagine fucking me

it is possible to like someone's company without needing to sexualise it
and it's also possible to sexualise without needing to share it


yes, of course i am an archetype
but how dare you diminish me?
i am more than you will ever know long as you cast me in this role of interloper.......


don't make me be the spotlight you're afraid of seeing on your own life.....
                                               .......unless you're prepared to shine your light back on me

come to me radiant,
bring me your light.

.......or don't bother coming round at all.....

i'm no longer enamoured of the shadows

your struggle....
they hold no interest for me


i don't want your compulsion


don't you see?
don't you see that when you WANT me in some way
you close your eyes to what you actually HAVE?

if you are a married or otherwise attached man in my past, present, or future, you are the luckiest man alive.... have a wife you have chosen to share your life
who has chosen to be with you... well as a fabulous
and altogether attractive friend to spend time with....

so leave your struggle at the door my friend, 
come in by the fire, 
and raise a glass to untroubled waters....

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