Friday 9 August 2013

more friday night musings.....

Musing on the nature of connection tonight. The inevitability of it. the absolute randomness of it. sometimes there’s just no rhyme or reason to it. there are times when a connection, when it reveals itself, seems pure lunacy. at others, a connection is so unarguably ‘right’ and not even requiring of scrutiny.
We connect with people on so many levels – some more subtle, some more overt, than others. Sometimes we even connect with people on levels we didn’t know we had – heights AND depths!
Some connections can just occupy a corner of our minds, our lives, a certain little window of illumination which is only apparent at a certain time and place in space.  Others burn so brightly that all the details are seared away in the luminescence and we are consumed.  Sometimes we give in willingly to the resonance, and at others we fight it…..
And also mulling over the idea of openness.  And how it is we open. There are people who rip us open, snatching the sensitivity from us, demanding truth and openheartedness and not taking no for an answer.
Those who no amount of psychic protection will keep out.
Those who demand to be seen. Felt.
Then those who hover,  much like a hummingbird, never quite alighting yet constantly darting in, at once relentless as a mosquito scenting blood, yet also as alluring as a sunbeam. An emanation of warmth which calls forth a welcome response, an answering radiance drawn from the very depths of one’s being.
Those with whom we bask in a metaphysical sunlight.
Those with whom we may never speak, yet know completely.
The different natures of openness, too, consumes me.  At times I’m resistant, not wanting to acknowledge connection, at a particular time, or in a particular place, or with a particular person (and sometimes all three at once!)
And yet with others I feel myself unfolding, unfurling, revealing in a most exquisite way.
And the truth of it all is this – it is all completely random. I cannot intellectualise my connections. I cannot reason them into some kind of pleasing order. I can neither justify nor deny my resonance with another.
It just simply IS.

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