Wednesday 1 January 2014

so, i have made a commitment to myself to write something, every day. today i felt so uninspired.....!

let me see....the things which inspired me today:

feeling the breeze under my arms at about 4.30pm after feeling sticky all afternoon
cold peppermint tea
martina topley bird

funny that it was such an uninspiring day for started out so promising! i chose to not go out last night (new years eve) and stayed home alone instead. i don't think i've done that since i was a teenager.  it felt like a good thing to do. i had options, and friends at various places to meet up with, but as the day stretched into the evening, i just didn't feel like leaving my nest. i didn't want to go out and drink. i didn't want to encounter awkward conversation. i didn't want drama or angst or love interests.

what i wanted was ease and contentment, which is just what i had found in the last couple of days at home, working around my place. i had found inspiration in my own patch and i liked that feeling and didn't want to put it away, even for a night.  i curled up in my bed at about 10.30pm, tired and content, and slept soundly until i woke for work this morning.

as i drove into town i mused on what my friends were up to. most of them, i knew, would be nursing hangovers, or waking up in their car somewhere, or facing a mountain of bottles and dirty dishes.  it felt so simple to have chosen otherwise, and the earth was not shattering....just another day dawning with a list of aims and aspirations to work through....

so i worked all day today in town, in my shop. custom was slow, and the crowd today were not very engaging or engaged with what i was doing - with one or two exceptions. there were no heart warming chats or connections.  i got through most of my list, served a lot of tea, and generated a bit of custom for my businesses.

i was looking forward to returning to my nest, to potter some more, as i have done this evening.

and so begins another year. the last one seems to have happened in a heartbeat.

i am excited for this year. there is change in the air and i like it. i feel full of ideas and am dreaming of plans, and futures and possibilities. i know there's big stuff coming, i can feel it. but i am not afraid, not at this moment. i feel so full of the possibilities......

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