Friday 1 February 2013

drumming ethics 101

I learned something very profound tonight, and it is this:

As you cease to apologise for being who you are, so are you freed from the expectation for others to apologise for being themselves, too. It also works in reverse.

I am forever thankful for the streets of Nimbin, my playground in this sometimes harsh school of life.

I met these two guys on the street tonight, having their virgin Friday night drumming experience.  I chatted to them for a while.  I guess I helped them to feel comfortable, in a situation in which they 'didn't know how to act' (their words, not mine).

They told me that I was the first person to be nice to them, who didn't try to sell them drugs.  They thanked me, they were a bit overwhelming in their gratitude, actually!  And I wondered 'why would I bother to be other than open and welcoming to them?'

I realised that I simply don't have time to create discomfort for myself and others.  There is enough reason for discomfort imposed upon me by the universe, why would I consciously add to it, if I have a choice to do otherwise.

I then releived myself of the burden of needing to apologise for who I am.

Strangely, as I looked around, I realised that I was free to simply observe others being who they are, and not need them to be any different to how they are, either.

We really are all perfect.  Understanding the fact that we are so complex, and multifaceted (as is EVERYTHING in the universe!) allows me to accept my failings, my deficiencies, and, for this moment, I am releived of guilt.

aahhhh......I feel so light.

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